Jose Cuervos Reserva is a 100% agave based tequila that is handcrafted using a proprietary technology that can only be used by Jose Cuervo. In short, the process consists of recovering the steam to thereby bring more flavor to the tequila before it is cold-filtered. Platino is an award-winning tequila that has been given the honor of being among the 20 best-tasting tequilas in Bloomberg Businessweek, and to be awarded the highest score, Superlative, by the renowned Beverage Testing Institute.
The world’s oldest Tequila brand
We have to go all the way back to 1758 and Mexico to find the first sod in Jose Cuervo’s history; it is the year in which José Antonio de Cuervo y Valdés gets a piece of King Ferdinand VI’s land to grow agave and thereby later produce tequila. When the king dies just one year later, the throne is taken over by his half-brother, Carlos III, who later bans the production of alcohol “that can destroy the soul” – including tequila.
Goodbye to the ban
In 1795, however, his slightly more alcohol-friendly son, Carlos VI, comes to power, and he therefore chooses to lift his father’s ban on alcohol. With some fateful irony, José Cuervo’s son, Jose Maria Cuervo, is thus given the first ever license to produce and sell tequila by none other than the son of the king who in his time banned the same himself.
From barrel to bottle
In 1852, the first shipment of Jose Cuervo crosses the Mexican/American border in barrels from San Blas, bound all the way to California. However, it is not long before the demand for the delicious tequila has become so great both in his home country and in the United States that Jose Cuervo, as the first tequila producer, begins bottling the tequila in individual bottles in order to make transport easier.
Best selling tequila in the whole world
In addition to being the oldest tequila brand in the world, Jose Cuervo is also the best-selling, accounting for a fifth of all tequila consumed worldwide and a third of the US tequila market. Jose Cuervo is still in the care of the family, and is now in the sixth generation, although with the surname Beckmann instead of Cuervo.