Sovereignty 14 years is the newest shot from Foursquare’s “Exceptional Cask Selection” and you have to be quick!
As always, Foursquare’s bottlings are at the top of the hierarchy, and this bottle is no exception. Distilled in both Column and Pot stills and then aged 3 years in ex-bourbon casks and then a full 11 years in sherry casks. The taste and complexity are unmatched, and you can easily add a drop of water to this type of rum, after which the aromas and flavors open up even more.
The name Sovereignty refers to the day in November 2021 when Barbados officially became a Republic and elected the country’s first president.
The scent of dried and sweet fruits together with an incredibly intense chocolate hits your nostrils immediately, after which the spicy oak rounds off the nose really nicely. The taste is deep and lasts a long time. Mild espresso, dark chocolate and tropical fruits fill the mouth, and the alcohol is balanced and cuts through nicely, lifting the whole experience.