Crème Liquueur Au Cognac by Braastad is a marriage between three nations, one can say: Norway, France and Ireland. Here they have three floated in a typical Irish liqueur, but made by Cognac from Braastad (and the Norwegian Sverre Braastad moved from Gjövik to Cognac in 1899). Braastad recommends enjoying it either with ice cream or as an ingredient in a cocktail, but it also works really well as a “shot” or avec for coffee or why not in a heating coffee drench?
Adding cognac to a cream car is a new approach. Cognac and whitening are otherwise two drinks that are much appreciated separately, together they create a combination beyond the usual. How to describe the new liqueur from the importer Arcus: “Light brown in color. The taste is rich with hints of butter caramel, cream, orange chocolate and cognac. The texture is creamy and aroma is a mixture of sweet orange chocolate and rich cream. “